Our company has established a policy for the protection of personal information as shown below, and we declare our commitment to the protection of personal information by enforcing initiatives for awareness-raising among all employees of the importance of and implementing mechanisms for thorough protection of personal information.
Article 1. Collection and Use of Personal Information
Our company only collects personal information with a clearly stated purpose and only uses that information within the scope of that purpose.
We specify purposes of use in a personal information management register and have established and enforce a process in which a personal information management officer in each division of our company that handles personal information is responsible for ensuring information is not used in any way that deviates from the stated purpose of use.
In addition, we take measures to implement safety controls and maintain internal management systems to ensure our company does not use personal information beyond the scope of its purpose.
Article 2. Management and Protection of Personal Information
We maintain strict controls over the management of personal information and will not disclose or provide data to a third party without the express permission of the individual who submitted the personal information.
Our company prescribes and implements measures for the secure management of personal information to prevent leakage, loss or damage of personal information.
In addition to taking measures to prevent any problems, in the event there is some problem, we will act promptly to correct the issue and prevent recurrence.
Article 3. Compliance with Laws, Ordinances and Standards
Our company complies with laws and ordinances, guidelines established by the national government and other standards related to the handling of personal information in our possession.
Article 4. Dealing with Inquiries and Complaints
Our company has developed a process and system for taking and dealing with inquiries and complaints regarding the personal information in our possession and will respond promptly.
Article 5. Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Management Systems and Mechanisms
Our company implements continuous improvement of management systems and mechanisms related to the protection of personal information.